
In the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem, fundraising is critically important. However, the inefficiency of information in the early-stage investment market is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. Startups often struggle to understand market trends, investor information, innovation trends, business opportunities, and suitable fundraising channels. On the other hand, investors are eager to identify high-quality entrepreneurial teams, potential targets, and comprehensive trend insights. Gathering these information is not a simple task, and the high costs associated with it may hinder the development of the startup environment.

To bridge the information gap between entrepreneurs and early-stage investors and to enhance the entrepreneurial capabilities of startups, Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) has been commissioned by the Small and Medium Enterprise and Startup Administration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs to establish FINDIT, the Taiwan Startup Information Platform, since 2015. To increase the efficacy of the platform, FINDIT has integrated contents from other startup information websites since 2023. Today, FINDIT stands as one of the most representative early-stage funding information platforms in Taiwan.

Furthermore, acknowledging the needs of innovative entrepreneurs and investors, FINDIT collects information on domestic and international startups as well as early-stage investment markets, providing practical and precise information on early-stage funding, startup fundraising skills, and related resources.

We aim to constantly optimize our platform to assist startups, investors, and players of the innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem to immediately obtain an overall view of the current development of Taiwan’s entrepreneurial environment. Our goal is to promote market transparency and information efficiency while mitigating the risks associated with entrepreneurship and investment due to information gaps. Additionally, FINDIT connects early-stage investment partners and resources, offering assistance to startups by organizing matchmaking events and fundraising seminars. This increases exposure, facilitates communications and interactions among players of the early-stage fundraising ecosystem, thereby optimizing the overall corporate fundraising landscape.

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