
2020 投資人有約−冬季媒合會(限投資人報名)


2020 投資人有約−冬季媒合會




2015-2020年8月之計畫執行期間之成果方面,共計舉辦23場媒合會,351新創企業家次及912投資人次參與,截至今年8月底為止,本計畫創造新創企業媒合機會7,788次,促成新創企業獲得創投資金挹注交易91筆,透過媒合或輔導促成投資金額 (76筆揭露獲投金額)超過20.2億新台幣。





.時間:109年11月3日(星期二)13:30-17:00 (13:00開始報到)

.地點:台北世貿中心展覽一館第四、第五會議室 (台北市信義區信義路五段5號2樓)







  1. 為降低本次會議傳染風險,欲參加本次活動者,需如實填寫「防疫調查表」(報名成功者將提供線上表單進行填寫,若未於事前填寫,須於現場填寫完畢,確認無出國史及接觸史者方能入場)。  

  2. 本次會議務必配戴口罩方可入場,所有與會者需自行攜帶口罩並於場館內全程配戴,進入本會議場所時配合使用酒精噴液消毒

  3. 如有發燒症狀者,應退燒後至少 24 小時才可參加集會活動;如您會議途中有任何發燒或身體不適症狀,請返家休息或迅速就醫。

  4. 本次會議進出口亦將進行外賓體溫量測,額溫量測結果超過37.5度者將婉拒入場。另外,與會者本人或其同住家人/友人/密切接觸者若已經衛生主管機關通知居家隔離、居家檢疫、自主健康管理者,請勿出席會議。

  5. 有呼吸道症狀、慢性疾病或者、於10月14日-至11月2日曾/預計出國(如國外出差、旅遊等)者,將婉拒出席。

  6. 如果您有任何發燒或身體不適症狀,請在家休息或迅速就醫。

  7. 主辦單位有權利拒絕任何疑似有症狀的參與者入場或於中途離席。








2020 A Date with Investors - Winter Matchmaking Conference


Organizer: Small and Medium Enterprise Administration (SMEA), Ministry of Economic Affairs

Executive Organizer: Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER)

Time: Nov. 3 (Tue.) 13:30-17:00 (registration starts at 13:00)

Venue: Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1, Conference Room 4 and 5

Target Audience: Members of the Angel Alliance of SMEA, other Institutional investors (including venture capital fund, corporate venture capital, investment consulting companies, financial holding companies, private equity fund) and startups.

Conference Introduction:

TIER was commissioned by SMEA to carry out the "Small and Medium Enterprise Value Innovation Project" from 2015 to 2018. The goal of the project is to promote market transparency and information efficiency in order to eliminate  investing and funding risks arising from information asymmetry and to enhance start-ups' competencies in identifying business opportunities. While carrying out the project and providing "FINDIT," an early-stage funding database, TIER also organized various activities including fundraising mentorship, lectures, matchmaking events, Global Angel & Venture Investment Summit. Besides hoping to accomplish the aforementioned objectives through both online and offline channels, we also hope to improve the funding environment to make the early-stage funding market more active.

In terms of the results achieved during the project implementation period from 2015 to 2020, 23 matching events were organized in the past four years. As of August, 2020, this project has created over 7,788 matching opportunities for startups, leading to 91 venture fund injections amounting to NT$2.02 billion through matching or mentorship.

This "A Date with Investors - Winter Matchmaking Conference" event is aimed at matchmaking between outstanding startups and investors. We invited 5 partners to refer13 superior startups introducing their businesses and fundraising plans. Investors are welcome to register. We hope that the event will increase interchange between investors and startups, and help startup groups receive the funding they require. Also, as the number of investors participating in the matchmaking events continues to climb, the various costs involved have also increased. As a result, beginning this year, the printed handbook will be charged with NT$300; handbooks will be available from the event organizers.

